Singing Guide: Force MDs

Singing Guide: Force MDs

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Are you a fan of 80's R&B? Then, it's highly likely that you know the incredible Force MDs! They are one of the most iconic groups of their era and have inspired countless musicians in the decades since their heyday. But, how can we learn to sing like the Force MDs?

First and foremost, it's important to note the unique and captivating style of the Force MDs - a mixture of doo-wop, R&B, and soul, with a heavy emphasis on vocal harmonies. But, it's their unmistakable falsetto vocals that really set them apart from the rest.

To begin our journey to sing like the Force MDs, we need to understand and work on our vocal range and falsetto control. Singing Carrots has a fantastic Vocal Range Test that can help us identify our own vocal range and see how it compares to the Force MDs and other famous singers. Similarly, Singing Carrots' Pitch Accuracy Test can ensure our pitch is on point and ready for those high notes.

Once we have an idea of our vocal range and control, we can start working on our falsetto singing. Singing Carrots Pitch Training exercises, as well as videos on Warm-up starters, Humming, and Chest Voice/Voice Registers can help us with that.

One thing that makes the Force MDs unique is their intricate vocal harmonies. Singing Carrots' Singing Comfort Zone, Voice Break and Mixed Voice video exercises can help us learn how to blend our voices and create those beautiful harmonies that the Force MDs have become known for.

For those who love singing along with songs, Singing Carrots' Song Search feature can help us find songs that suit our vocal range, difficulty level, and genre preference. This is an excellent way to practice our new skills and build our confidence as vocalists.

To truly appreciate the Force MDs' unique style, it's important to listen to some of their hit songs and pay attention to their vocal techniques. Some of their popular songs include "Tender Love," "Love is a House," and "Here I Go Again." By studying the way they use falsetto and harmonies in their music, we can work towards emulating their style and sound.

Finally, Singing Carrots' Vocal Health article can help ensure our voices stay healthy and strong, allowing us to continue singing like the Force MDs for years to come.

By utilizing Singing Carrots' range of resources and concentrating on vocal range control, falsetto development, and harmonizing capabilities, we can come closer to singing like the iconic Force MDs. Enjoy the journey!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.